What is the Difference Between Trusts and Wills?

When you think of planning for the future, it’s important to understand the differences between trusts and wills. Knowing how these two legal documents work together can help ensure that your wishes are accurately followed after your death. Here’s a quick overview of Trust and Will and how they can be used to protect your assets.

What is a Will?

A will is a legal document that identifies who should take possession of your assets when you die. It also outlines who stands to inherit any remaining funds or property that is not specifically designated in the will. This document requires witnesses and must be signed by both yourself and those witnesses in order for it to be legally binding. The contents of a will are public record, meaning anyone can view what is written in the document upon request.

What is a Trust?

A trust is an arrangement where one person (the grantor) transfers ownership of their assets to another person or entity (the trustee). The trustee then holds those assets on behalf of the grantor’s beneficiaries until such time as they are distributed according to the grantor’s wishes. Unlike a will, trusts do not go through probate court; instead, they can be managed privately by an attorney or other qualified professional. Furthermore, because trusts are private documents, their contents cannot be viewed by anyone except for those involved with its management.

How Do They Work Together?

Wills and trusts can work together to provide comprehensive estate planning solutions for individuals who want their wishes to be respected after their death. For example, if you have specific instructions regarding how you would like certain assets divided upon your passing, those instructions would appear in both your will and trust documents so that both parties have access to them. Additionally, using both a trust and a will allows you to manage asset distribution without having to go through probate court—a process which can take months or even years depending on the size of your estate.


Trusts and wills are two important tools for ensuring that your wishes are carried out after your death. Understanding the difference between these two documents—as well as how they work together—can help make sure that everything goes according to plan when it comes time to transfer ownership of your assets after you pass away. With careful planning and consideration, utilizing both wills and trusts can help protect your legacy for generations to come. By understanding how these two documents work together, website owners and SEO newbies alike can create a comprehensive estate plan that ensures their final wishes are fulfilled down the road!


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