How to speed up your iPhone


When you have just bought a new iPhone, you will have a great experience with it through fast loading time, great battery life and you will enjoy it as much as you can. At first, your phone will be working very well but with time, things may change for you. You will ignore all the warning signs but it will reach a point when you cannot take it anymore. Many things can happen to your iPhone with time. Your iPhone battery may be worn out, your storage is not enough, and other things. Whether you need to consider iPhone battery replacement or not, here are some of the things to do to speed up your iPhone

Track your storage and delete unused applications

When your iPhone is being troublesome, the battery is not always the problem. Sometimes the phone has stored many things that its memory has run out of. This is very simple, you can check how much storage you have used and how much is remaining. You will also be able to see how much memory is allocated to each memory. If there are applications that you do not use but have occupied a bigger part of your iPhone memory, consider deleting them. This is important because applications will always be massive memory eaters. Having unused ones just chilling on your device will slow down the activities of your phone. To check, go to settings, select general, storage then iCloud usage, and select manage storage.

Delete photos that you will not use or that are unwanted

Another important thing to do is to consider deleting unwanted videos and photos. Deleting photos and videos from your phone is very simple. You just have to go to your photo application and open it. Select the photos that you do not like and delete them. You can do the same to videos until you clear all the videos and photos that you do not find useful.

Use the cloud

In case you do not have a computer or a laptop, you can still make good use of the cloud. This can be the best option for you to save photos. When you sign up for iCloud, you will be given 5GB of storage. If that storage is not enough, you can also consider buying extra storage. You can use your phone to take as many photos as you want and wish but consider storing them in a different device or place to avoid making your phone overwork and being overwhelmed.

Clear web browse cache This is very important to do. Using your web browser such as chrome and safari without clearing cache can also be one of the reasons to slow down your phone because it is eating your storage space. Clearing your cache is very easy. If you are using chrome, just open the app, and click the three vertical alignments. Tap on history and then choose clear data. By doing that, your data will be cleared.


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