Behavioral Interview Questions: Everything You Need to Know

Behavioral Interview Questions are becoming more and more popular. If you’ve been to a job interview recently, chances are that the hiring manager has asked you some form of behavioral question. These types of questions are designed to gain insight into how you think, how you approach problem-solving, and your overall work style. Wondering what these questions look like and how to answer them? Let’s take a closer look at the ins and outs of this type of questioning.

What is a Behavioral Interview Question?

A behavioral interview questions is one that allows the hiring manager to gain an understanding of your work experience and how it can be applied in their organization. The interviewer will ask you questions about specific situations or scenarios from your past experience in order to determine if you have the skills they need for the position. For example, if they are looking for someone who is able to handle high-pressure situations well, they may ask “tell me about a time when you had a tight deadline but were still able to deliver quality results on time”. This allows them to gain an understanding of how well you can perform under pressure – something that may be important for the job role.

How Should I Answer a Behavioral Interview Question?

It’s important to remember that the interviewer isn’t looking for right or wrong answers – they just want to understand your thought process and decision-making capabilities. Therefore, it’s important that your answers provide enough detail so as not to leave any gaps in understanding. You should focus on providing tangible examples from previous experiences rather than simply giving broad answers or opinions without backing them up with evidence. When answering these types of questions, it can also help if you use the STAR method – Situation, Task/Action/Result – which will help give clarity and structure to your answer by outlining what happened in each situation, what action(s) you took and what was the outcome as a result of those actions.

Are There Any Mistakes I Should Avoid?

Yes! It is important not only to answer the question but also ensure that your answers don’t contain any negative information about yourself or others (such as blaming colleagues for issues). Also try not make assumptions about what the interviewer wants – instead focus on providing relevant information that clearly outlines why you would be suitable for this role based on your experience (and don’t forget backup up your claims with evidence!). Finally, don’t forget to show enthusiasm when answering these types of questions; this will demonstrate passion and interest in the role that cannot be gained simply by reading through your CV!


Behavioral interview questions can seem daunting at first glance – but with proper preparation they can offer an excellent opportunity for employers get insight into how potential candidates think and solve problems. They key is remember that there is no right or wrong answer; rather employers are looking for detail around specific situations so as gain better understanding of how candidates deal with different tasks. So practice common interview questions ahead of time so as ensure confident delivery during interviews! Good luck!


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